2017 Member & Grad Student Breakfast at SHA

The Southern Association for Women Historians invites you to join us for the 2017 Member & Graduate Student Breakfast at the Southern Historical Association meeting in Dallas, Texas.

8:00 a.m., Saturday, 10 November 2017
San Antonio B

Registration for current and new members is required by October 15th.

A limited number of complimentary breakfast tickets will be available for currently enrolled graduate students-so register early!  Please email Daina Ramey Berry at drb@austin.utexas.edu for complimentary graduate student tickets or with questions.

To register and pay online, please click the Donate button below. If you are purchasing tickets to donate to graduate student members, please let us know in the Message line.


To register and pay by check, please send $15 per ticket with check made out to “SAWH” with “breakfast” in the memo line to: Michelle Haberland, SAWH, Department of History, PO Box 8054, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA 30460-8054.